Thursday, June 8, 2017

Name That Political Party! UK Labour, US Democrats, German Greens, etc.

OK, folks, let's talk about politics!. I am going to publish excerpts from the official party platform of a major political party in an OECD nation and some quotes from top leaders in that party, and you all get to guess which party it is!
While I will do the edits necessary to make this a guessing game (removing names, etc.) I will be as direct and honest with their quotes as possible.
Now, it keep these parties in mind as we go! Are these from:
the US Democratic Party
the UK Labour Party
the German Greens
the French Socialist Party
Now - the Platform!

1) All people have a right to self-determination
2) All people of all nations have equal rights, and all nations are equal
3) All people have a right to land
4) Non-citizens are protected by law
5) Only citizens may hold public office
6) All citizens have a right to employment at a living wage, and
7) No one has a right to a job or business that harms the community or steals from the people, therefore:
- we demand a 100% tax on capital gains
- we demand a 100% tax on all profits earned from war profiteering, the selling of armaments to those engaged in war, and profits made supporting warlike regimes
- we demand nationalization of all large corporations that control infrastructure such as railroads, communications, etc.
- we demand profit-sharing of all large corporations
- we demand that all old-age pensions be generously increased
- we demand the break-up of all large retail chains and that the local stores be given to local entrepreneurs; government agencies may only purchase from small, local vendors and the laws shall be changed to favor small, local businesses over large corporations
- we demand the seizing of all farmland from all corporations without compensation and the distribution of this land to local farmers. We also demand that all property taxes be eliminated and real estate speculation, which artificially drives up prices, shall be illegal
- we demand the removal of the charging of interest on personal mortgages, car loans, etc. All bankers that engage in reckless speculation that harms the poor shall face strict criminal charges
- we demand free tuition at all levels of education and that the government identify those poor children of high potential and give them preferential treatment in education
- we demand stricter child labor laws
- we demand a broad program of physical fitness and healthy nutrition for the nation's children
- we demand a broad expansion of government-funded child-care centers available for all mothers
- we demand the immediate dissolution of all standing armies and that the army of our nation shall be composed of only citizen-soldiers in a reserve system
- we demand that no foreign interest are allowed to have ownership in any way of local or national media; all media sources must adhere to strict rules forbidding fake news. The publishers of fake news will face strict criminal penalties.
8) Committees of experts will be formed to ensure that topics in economics, science, etc. to ensure that any laws passed reflect the scientific consensus
Any guesses so far? Here are a few quotes. Note that I have changed a term here and there to make this a guessing game:

"White people have always been a race without a culture" - former party boss

"We are Socialists; we are enemies of Capitalism and its exploitation of the poor, its valuation of people by wealth rather than character, and [the party] is determined to destroy Capitalism." - party chairman speech

"The most important development is the growing resentment of Capitalism among today's youth" - party theorist

"Men! Men are responsible for war! No treatment we give them can be unjust." - party spokesperson

"If a man appeals to you saying he is not like other men, he is depending upon you forgetting how men oppress you. You must let him know you see through him and view him with contempt." - party spokesperson

"It is rotten and dismal that the world... should be ruled by a single caste of Capitalists that has the power to lead millions to life or to death on a whim...This caste has spun its web over the entire earth; Capitalism recognizes no national boundaries...Capitalism has learned nothing from recent events and wants to learn nothing, because it places its own interests ahead of those of the other millions. Can one blame those millions for standing up for their own interests, and only for those interests? Can one blame them for striving to forge an international community whose purpose is the struggle against corrupt capitalism? Can one condemn a large segment of the youth for protesting against the greatest ability? Is it not an abomination that people with the most brilliant intellectual gifts should sink into poverty and disintegrate, while others dissipate, squander, and waste the money that could help them? … You say the rich worked hard for what it has. Granted, that may be true in many cases. But do you also know about the conditions under which workers were living during the period when rich Capitalists “earned” their fortunes?" - party spokesperson

"Our party has the best welfare programs; everything we do, we do for the people. The White man is the embodiment of Capitalism." - party spokesperson

"If you defend the White man you harm your own people" - party spokesperson

"Our party despises bourgeois nationalism" - party spokesperson

"What meaning has Christianity today? We need someone to rip up outmoded religious thinking..." - party spokesperson

OK, last chance before the reveal - which political party?

Some of you know

That's right! The Socialist Party that ran on that platform and is the source of those quotes is the National Socialist German Workers' Party, common called the Nazi party.

Here is what I changed:
In the platform I dropped references to Jews.
In the quotes I replaced 'jew' with 'Man' or 'White' or 'White man'.
All of the statements about Capitalism and Socialism?
Now, quick - tell me the difference between the Nazi position and the position of most SJWs?

That's right, SJW's don't just hate Jews!
Want to know why?
Because SJWs subscribe to Socialism and Identity Politics just like the Nazis.

Yes, really. The Nazi Party was ALL ABOUT identity politics, after all! Think about it - if you were of a 'good' racial identity, you were Good; if you were of a 'bad' racial identity you were Evil. The NDSP wanted to create a Socialist paradise but thought that only "Aryans" deserved the fruits of it and that Jews, Slavs, and other 'mud people' did not deserve it.
The only difference between a Nazi and a modern, Progressive Identity Politics SJW is - the SJW hates more groups of people than the Nazi did.

Go to Twitter and check out hashtags that are loved by SJWs then compare them to the quotes of Nazis like Goebbels - no real difference except more targets of hatred.

It is time to face facts - Progressive Identity Politics IS National Socialism!

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