I've been hearing all sorts of mush about Green Ronin Games being a bunch of close-minded jerks, but I usually ignore that sort of thing. I mean, after all - it isn't like anyone would notice if they just vanished, right? I was vaguely aware of them calling men all sorts of names recently, but again - who cares?
But then someone pointed out why they were calling men mean things.
That is Nicole Lindroos of Green Ronin advertising for a job and stating in a public announcement that they will only hire a woman and only women can apply.
Here's the thing.
That is illegal.
Back in the 1960's there was a little thing passed called the Civil Rights Act. Maybe you've heard of it? One of the things that the Civil Rights Act makes illegal is saying a position is only for men, or only for women, or only for Whites, etc. You can get a waiver, sure, for something like a religious institution, but my guess is Lindroos and Green Ronin ain't got no waiver.
Here is the law;
I mean - the law is really, really clear - you can't say 'we will only hire women for this spot. Men can't even apply'. It is illegal. It violates the civil rights of people. It is a crime. Doing this makes you a criminal. The job posting is objectively sexist and illegal.
This hasn't prevented a whole slew of geniuses from just LOVING the fact that Green Ronin is a sexist, criminal enterprise.
My favorite is Bill Bodden.
Never heard of him? Don't worry - no one else has, either. But, as you can see at the link, he not only fully endorses Green Ronin's illegal hiring practices, he flat-out says all male gamers are 'guilty' of.... something. The earlier post seems to be filled with some sort of ramblings from a game system I am unfamiliar with.
Anyway, I figured I would do the decent thing and post in the comments that Green Ronin's hiring practices are illegal and back it up with a nice screenshot of the law, as seen above.
Did Bill, shocked at the blatant illegality of Green Ronin's actions, change his mind?
Did Bill publish the post, and the law, and then engage in debate?
Did Bill post it and then call me names?
Not a chance.
He moderated the post out of existence.
I have four theories on why Bill did this:
1) He doesn't have any idea what the law says, doesn't know how google works, and thinks I am making it up, but can't check.
2) Everyone else in his comments is talking about how smart, and kind, and awesome he is and because of his crippling personal insecurities those are the only sorts of comments he ever allows.
3) He is an amoral douchebag that doesn't care what the law says, doesn't care that what Green Ronin is doing is a flagrant violation of human rights, and wants to keep promoting prejudice as much as he can.
4) a little bit of 2 and a little bit of 3 with some fear of confrontation sprinkled on top.
But between Bill and the rest of the people taking to the internet to loudly proclaim their support of sexist hiring practices, it seems pretty cool that places like Green Ronin and Lone Shark are chock a block full of prejudiced, sexist tools.
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